Best Figures from Economics Papers

Matt Notowidigdo prompted a great thread of peoples’ suggestions of their favorite figures. I thought I would give a resting place for the nominees:

  1. Griliches (1957) Griliches
  2. Jensen (2007) Jensen
  3. Jacobson, Lalonde, Sullivan (1993), nominated twice! Jacobson et al. Jacobson et al.
  4. David S. Lee (2007) Lee
  5. Almond (2006) Almond
  6. Stevenson and Wolfers (2006) S&W
  7. Chetty, Friedman, Olsen and Pistaferri (2011)
  8. Chetty, Friedman, and Rockoff (2014) Chetty2
  9. Chetty and Hendren (2016) Chetty3
  10. Chetty, Friedman and Saez (2013) Chetty4
  11. Sarsons (2017) Sarsons
  12. Yagan (2015) Yagan
  13. Manning, Newhouse, Duan, Keeler and Leibowitz (1987) Manning
  14. Malamud and Pop-Eleches (2011) Malamud
  15. Playfair (1821) Playfair
  16. Agarwal, Chomisisengphet, Mahoney and Stroebel (2015) Agarwal
  17. Kleven, Soogard, and Landais (2018) Kleven
  18. Rothschild & Stiglitz (1978) Stiglitz
  19. Frederick, Loewenstein & O’Donoghue (2002) FLO
  20. Angrist and Krueger (2002) FLO
  21. Krugman and Obstfeld Textbook KO
  22. Card, Heining and Kline (2013) FLO
  23. Hall (2017)
  24. Burgess, Costa and Olken (2017) FLO
  25. Berger, Turner and Zwick (2018) FLO
  26. Blagg et al. (2018) DC students who live in Ward 7 commute to middle schools all over the city. Read the full story ( and 5-city empirical study (